Saturday 12 November 2011


Programing  Language
A Book To Help You…(Basic)
                        By Neha Chandel

               Introducing C-#
C#, also known as C-sharp, is a programming language introduced by Microsoft. C# contains features similar to  Java and C++. It is specially designed to work with Microsoft’s  DotNet  platform. Object –Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the most popular methodologies in software development. It offers a powerful model for creating computer programs. It speeds the program development process, improves maintenance and enhances reusability of programs.
            Object-orientation is a type of methodology used for building software application. An object-oriented program consists of classes, object, and method.  The object-oriented methodology in software development revolves  around  a single concept called the object. Software is developed by breaking the application into commonent object. These objects interact with each other when the whole application is put together.

Characteristics of the Object-Oriented Approach :
·                    Realistic Modeling
·                    Reusability
·                    Resilience to Change

Phases of Object Orientation
·                    The Analysis phase
·                    The Design phase
·                    The Implementation phase


All languages have a vocabulary, which is a list of words that have a specific meaning in that languages. Languages also have their own grammar rules, which state the rules for combining words to form sentences. This is what  ensure that whatever is spoken in a particular language is interpreted similarly by all people who understand the language. 
A compiler is a special program that process the statements written in a particular programming language and converts them into machine language. Like everything else in the compiler also follows the input-process-output (I-P-O) cycle. It takes the programming language  instructions as input. It process these instructions to convert them to machine language instructions as input. It process these instructions to convert them to machine language. These instructions can then be executed by the computer. This process of conversion is called compilation. For each programming language, there is a different compiler available. For example, for compiling a program written in the C language, you require a C compiler. For a Java program, you require a java compiler, for C # programs, you will use the CSC compiler.

An object is an entity that may have a physical boundary. However, it should have the following  characteristics:
·                    State
·                    Behavior
·                    Identity

A class consists of a set of object that share  a  common structure and behavior.Like Birds is a class that contain all peacook, sparrow,and all other birds.

Classes in C #
Consider the following code example, Which define a class:
Public class Hello
Public static void Main (string args[])
System.Console.Writeline(“This is our class example and the class name is Hello! ”);
The preceding class declaration provides a method Main() that will display the message “This is our class example and the class name is Hello” on your screen. The parts of the preceding code need to be examined .

The Main Function

The first line of code that a c# compiler looks for in the source file compiled is the Main() function. This function is the entry point of the application.
The Main() function is ideally used to create objects and invoke member functions.

The class Keyword

The class keyword is used to declare a class keywords are reserved words that have a special meaning. The  braces, known as delimiters, are used to indicate the start and end of a class body.
Example :
Class Hello

The class names should follow certain naming conventions or guidelines. A class name :

·                    Should be meaningful (Strongly recommended).
·                    Should ideally be a noun
·                    Can use either the first letter is cpital and the rest of the letter are in lower case. Or in  all in lower case.

Rules for Naming Classes in C#

·                    Name of class ust begain with a letter. This letter may be followed by a sequence of letter, digits (0-9), or _ the first character in a class name cannot be a digit.
·                    Must not contain any  embedded space or symbol like ? _ + ! @ # % ^ & * () {} [] ,:;”/and \ however, an underscore(“_”) can be used wherever a space is required.
·                    Must not use a keyword for a class name. For example, you cannot declare a class called public.

Console is a class that belongs to the System namespace. A namespace is a collection of class. The System  namespace contains the method Writerline(), which displays the enclosed text on the screen. The Console class has other method, which are used for various input/output operation. The character. Is used to access the function WriteLine(), which is coded in the Console class of the System namespace.
The preceding line canalso be written as Console.Writeline() if the statement using System is included as the first line of code.The Following code is an example of Console.WriteLine ():

Console.WriteLine(“Hello World”);

The  Preceding code will display on the screen.
Hello World

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